In Amsterdam, close to the Purmerplein, a palm tree was planted by Selby Gildemacher on Purmerweg at eleven o’clock in the morning, in the presence of the local population.
It was an act repeated in front of the public and television that took place earlier on 1 March 2005 in the penitentiary in Rotterdam. Selby Gildemacher, for whose dynamic work there is so much interest from abroad, makes works for all the senses. The palm tree in Amsterdam-Noord could best be called a kind of factual art. Instead of working with paint and linen, he works with the statement of facts. So in this case, the work of art is not a painting or a poem, but the planting of a palm tree in Amsterdam.
Palm in Noord is a living sculpture made for television. The piece was made by Dutch artist Selby Gildemacher for a television show called “PrimeTime” produced by the Dutch station AVRO-TROS.
In the north of Amsterdam, Selby Gildemacher planted a palm tree whose shape constantly changes, a living plant sculpture that can be enjoyed from any angle. While the leaves on the trunk will continue to grow and fall off, creating an ever-changing palm, its form will remain constant. The palm is a symbol of life and growth under difficult circumstances. Inspired by the idea of an indoor palm tree, this installation invites you to experience nature within an urban context. Venture into the urban jungle without leaving the city.
The palm tree is also used to represent peace and unity. It represents the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. The palm tree is a symbol of strength and endurance. It can survive in harsh environments, such as the desert and tropical rainforests. The palm tree is a symbol of life and growth. Our lives are full of contradictions and change, and we must recognize these changes to survive. We need to find ways to adapt in order to remain in harmony with our environment. The palm tree is an excellent example of this. It can survive in both the desert and tropical rainforests. It can even live up to 150 years old! The palm tree adapts to its environment by changing its shape, size and color according to the amount of water available. Through this outdoor work, the artist’s desire for connection between nature and people is completely captured.
Te Amsterdam, dichtbij het Purmerplein is ’s morgens om elf uur onder belangstelling van de plaatselijke bevolking door Selby Gildemacher aan de Purmerweg een palmboom geplant.
Het was een voor publiek en televisie herhaalde daad die eerder plaats vond op 1 maart 2005 in de penitentiaire inrichting in Rotterdam.
Selby Gildemacher voor wiens dynamical work zo van buitenlandse zijde belangstelling bestaat, maakt werken voor alle zintuigen.
De palmboom in Amsterdam-Noord zouden wij het beste een soort feit kunst kunnen noemen. In plaats van met verf en linnen, werkt hij met het stellen van feiten. In dit geval is het kunstwerk dus niet een schilderij of gedicht, maar het planten van een palmboom in Amsterdam.
Prime Time
Drie kunstenaars worden gevolgd. Ze gaan hun eerste televisie-kunstwerk ooit maken. De weg naar het kunstwerk toe is vol onverwachte wendingen, tegenslagen en nieuwe inzichten.
Met dank aan:
Gijs Velsink
Tiara Roquas
De Transketeers