Cry of Distress: How pleasant can we make it?
A traveling exibition
for Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors without Borders

PIEK! was asked by Doctors without Borders to contribute a work for their traveling exhibition ‘Cry of Distress: How pleasant can we make it?’
PIEK! made a ‘Flickr/Africa’ photo mosaic of Sven Torfinns’ photo Parents comforting their sick child in Pieri, a village in the south of Sudan.
The mosaic is made out of hundreds of holiday photos taken in Africa.
The images are found in Flickr, with the search queries Africa and Holiday.

Flickr/Africa on Flickr >>

MSF PRESS RELEASE (google translated )

Worldwide 33 million people on the run, who is still touched by it?
Artists are inspired by emergencies.

Everyone knows the images, yet they have little or no impact is more, the stereotypes that seem interchangeable. To break 13, we have a number of Dutch artists in the broadest sense – from fashion designer to architect, from graffiti artist to artist – invited to participate in a special exhibition.
We asked the artists to select a picture from our photo collectieâ of renowned and award-winning news photographers often made in MSF’s projects – and this picture as a source of inspiration to use your own artwork. The artworks are accompanied by the original photographs.
Herewith we – and artists – the excite: to take a new look and to look (again) to be moved by images of emergencies in the world.

Participating artists: AZIZ – Carli Hermès – Casper Faassen – Dimme van der Hout – Donovan Spaanstra/Faith71 – Fenna Haakma Wagenaar – Geert Mul – Marten Jongema – Niels Prins – PIEK! – Rob Admiraal – Thomas Elshuis – Tiquestar Illuminat Rex

The exhibition is free and is held at various outdoor locations.
The photo exhibition of Doctors Without Borders: ‘cry for help: How to Act Like fix it? ” travel from May to mid October 2007 by several major cities in the Netherlands. The exhibition is free and is held at various outdoor locations. Explanations of the artists on their artwork and how they have been inspired by the photographs from the countries where we work, the spot can be heard by calling 0900 222 7772 (€ 1.30 per note, proceeds go to the work of Doctors Without Borders).

Dates and locations:
May 31-June 10: Amsterdam, Square at Stopera
June 12-June 24: Leiden, Stationsplein
June 29-July 8: Rotterdam, Town Hall Square
July 10-July 22: Maastricht, Stationsplein
July 24 to August 5: Dordrecht, Scheffersplein
August 7 to August 19: Nijmegen, Marienburg Square (in Lux)
August 21-September 2: Utrecht, Neude
September 4 to September 16: Groningen, bridge near Gemeentemuseum
September 18 to September 29: Leeuwarden, Long Pipe (bridge)
October 1 to October 15: Den Haag / station

MSF is an independent medical relief organization that victims of disasters, wars and epidemie’n helps. MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for both clinical work and acting as an advocate for people and communities in need.